BNP Paribas, 1st French Bank in Vigeo’s 2014 rating
With a global score of 63/100 BNP Paribas ranks no.2 of the “bank” sector (Europe) and tops the French banks in Vigeo’s 2014 rating.
In spite of the exceptional conditions of the year 2014, BNP Paribas maintained its overall CSR performance level and remains one of the best performers in the diversified banks sector of Vigeo, the leading European expert in assessing companies and organizations against their environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues. The Group obtained particularly good scores on Environment, Human Resources Management and Community Involvement criteria.
BNP Paribas has been reconfirmed for inclusion in the NYSE EURONEXT/VIGEO indices in November 2014: BNP Paribas is part of Vigeo France 20, Vigeo Europe 120 and Vigeo World 120.