BNP Paribas supports Impact Journalism Day Universities

April 14, 2017

During April 2017, top student newspapers from across the U.S., Europe and Asia will bring attention to young people addressing problems on their campuses, in their communities, and around the world.

2829994_22April 10 was Impact Journalism Day Universities, an initiative sponsored by BNP Paribas, during which school newspapers highlight student initiatives making a difference.

Through high quality, in-depth articles about projects managed by students, this alliance of student newspapers aims to open the eyes of their generation to positive action they can take right now. From teaching each other how to use computer science for social good, to creating platforms that crowdfund for university fees, to providing peer support for mental health, to sharing education with refugees, these stories show that students are actively challenging the notion that nothing can be done.

Impact Journalism Day Universities is a replica of Sparknews’ international solutions journalism event, Impact Journalism Day, which unites a coalition of international newspapers to report on innovative solutions to global issues and expose readers to stories that can inspire positive change.

Great universities around the world are participating, like Oxford, Princeton, Stanford, University of California at Berkeley, andSciences Po in Paris.

Click here to see the introduction video of the initiative

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